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我曾经在网上和多位老师学习英语。理想很丰满,现实确骨感,总感觉效果差强人意。直到碰见Laura, 她非常认真负责,会根据我的情况,给出总体的提升计划,每节课之前会提供内容大纲,授课时会引导和鼓励我多说,并就议题进行深入的讨论,真正模拟实际的对话场景。尤其特别的是,她会记录下我所犯的错误,课后发给我,并给出正确的建议。 Frankly, I cannot expect more, many thanks Laura.


"Laura é uma professora muito atenciosa, prestativa e exigente.
As aulas são sempre descontraídas, ela faz com que o aluno sinta-se a vontade e não tenha medo de cometer erros, o que é fundamental durante o aprendizado.
Antes de cada aula, ela envia um tema(noticia de jornal ou algum assunto que seja do interesse do aluno) para que o aluno possa praticar.
Durante a aula ela faz anotações dos erros cometidos pelo aluno, para que no final da aula envie um arquivo com todos os erros cometidos, seguidos da correção ou maneira mais apropriada de dizer algo."

Andrew O. - Brazil

"I am very pleased with Laura's 1:1 class. I can feel she's always trying to improve my English skill. Her class is very systematic. She's one of the most kind teachers I have ever met. She has positive mind and I strongly recommend her class. I also like her pronunciation and smile. She's the best:)"

Woosung - South Korea

로라 샘 수업을 매주 빠지지 않고 한지 7개월째입니다. 이해하기 쉽게 설명하자면 로라샘 수업은 대학수준의 고퀄 레슨같은 느낌이 들고 영어 뿐 아니라 사고와 문화 등 전반적인 부분에서 배우는 것이 많았습니다.

Jee Suk Chang - South Korea

Saya sangat menikmati belajar bahasa Inggris di kelas Anda. Itu benar-benar menyenangkan dan mudah untuk dipahami. Ketika pertama kali saya memesan kelas percobaan, saya merasa tidak yakin karena saya pikir itu tidak akan efektif seperti pembelajaran di kelas nyata, tapi itu salah. Saya dapat belajar bahasa Inggris lebih efektif! Hal-hal yang saya sukai dari kelas Anda adalah pelajaran yang diberikan sangat terstruktur, seperti memberikan pertanyaan pengacu yang berkaitan dengan tema yang akan dipelajari, sehingga memudahkan saya ketika berbicara dan menjelaskannya kepada Anda. Anda juga selalu memperbaiki jika saya membuat kesalahan, terutama dalam cara pengucapan. Pada saat saya merasa tidak yakin dan malu ketika berbicara, Anda selalu memberi dukungan yang membuat saya lebih percaya diri untuk terus belajar bahasa Inggris. Selain belajar bahasa Inggris, Anda telah membuat pikiran saya lebih terbuka dengan segala hal baru yang telah Anda sharing. Ini sangat luar biasa! Kemudian setelah kelas, Anda akan mengirimkan saya feedback dari apa yang telah dipelajari dan jika ada banyak kata yang terlalu sulit untuk diucapkan, Anda akan mengirimkan rekaman suara. Sehingga saya dapat mengetahui dimana letak kesalahan saya selama proses pembelajaran, juga dapat mendengarkan rekaman suara yang dikirimkan, yang membuat saya bisa berlatih dan belajar lebih banyak sendiri. Saya sangat bersyukur bahwa saya telah menjadi siswa Anda! Anda adalah guru bahasa Inggris yang luar biasa yang pernah saya temui.


Quisiera agradecerle a Emma por su paciencia a la hora de enseñarme inglés. Disfruto mucho las clases con ella. En las clases practicamos diferentes aspectos en los que debe mejorar y ella siempre realiza diferentes actividades para que la clase no se turne aburrida. Además, después de la clase Emma escribe un correo resumiendo lo que conversamos en clases con algunos de los errores que cometí, diferentes formas de decir algunas ideas, etc. La verdad puedo notar como he mejorado desde que he empecé las clases con Emma y me gustaría incentiva a otros extranjeros que deseen aprender o mejorar el idioma que se inscriban ella. ¡No se arrepentirán!

Irina - Vancouver, Canada

I've been taking her lessons for four months. I believe the statistics already prove that the classes were really helpful to me; otherwise, I wouldn't have taken this many classes. She tailored every lesson according to my need, and I've received a lot of useful feedback so far. My conversational English and business English have improved a lot. I have better pronunciation, intonation and make fewer mistakes. Participating in meetings and conference calls was a nightmare to me, but I feel more confident than before. I believe it would be even better if I keep taking her lessons. I could also learn many cultural aspects of the language. I cannot recommend her more strongly.

Hyeonseung - Germany

선생님께 수업을 들은지 5개월째 입니다. 저는 일상적인 영어 말하기 실력을 높이기 위해 수업을 듣기 시작했습니다. 선생님께서 주말에 그 주의 수업 내용을 미리 보내주시는데요, 영어 기사, TED talk 등 다양한 매체를 활용해 수업 자료를 준비해주십니다. 제 흥미와 수준에 맞는 내용을 찾아 보내주시기 때문에 저도 수업에 보다 적극적이고 능동적으로 참여할 수 있는 것 같습니다. 그리고 수업 중에 제가 잘못 사용한 표현이나 단어들을 꼼꼼히 적어두셨다가 그 날 수업이 끝나고 전체적으로 말씀해주시고, 다시 또 주말에 그것들을 메일로 보내주십니다. 평소에 이렇게 영어를 말할 기회를 갖기가 쉽지 않은데, 선생님과의 수업으로 영어에 꾸준히 관심을 가지고 영어 공부를 할 수 있는 것 같습니다. 매 수업마다 선생님께 감사드립니다. :)

Inkyu - South Korea

"I took Laura's class and can say that she is a very good teacher. She knows how to teach and lead students to improve their English. She gives her feedback after checking my grammar and pronunciation, and this is really helpful. Finally, I admire her professional attitude. Even though she is tired or even sick, she always do her best. Personally, she has similar interests to me like technology, culture, or history. She has broad knowledge on these topics, and is a great talker. I'm really enjoying her class."

Jihoon Son - South Korea

Hi everyone, I have been learning English with teacher Laura, I guess she is expert in this education and so kind, enthusiastic as well. I am pleased to have a chance to study with her so I have enjoyed with elder son. He is also fond of her. If you would like to learn English don't hesitate to contact her and don't worry all of your concerns. She is likely to guide you what you want. Try it on ahead of time!!

Seung Yong Kim - South Korea

I have really been enjoying during my English classes with Laura. It has been a lot of fun and easy to understand. The first time I booked the trial class, I was feeling unsure because I thought it wouldn’t be as effective as learning in a real class, but that was far from the truth. I can learn English more effective online with Laura! The things that I like from her class most are the lessons she gives, which are very structured. For example, she sends questions related to the theme of the lesson, so it was far easier for me when we talked in class. Laura would also explain further in class if you need it. She always corrected me when I make mistakes, especially in regards to pronunciation. When I felt unsure she gave me support, this has contributed to an increased confidence for speaking English. In addition to learning English, she has been giving me the opportunity to be more open minded with everything she shares. It is so amazing! Then after the class, she sends me a review of what we discussed. If there are any difficult words that are hard for me to pronounce, she’ll send them to me as a voice recording. This way I can figure out where I was making my mistake, I can listen to the voice recording and I can practice and learn it by myself. I'm so thankful that I am your student! You're the greatest English teacher that I've ever met. :)

Meyta - Indonesia

I would like to thank Emma for her patience to help me improve my English. I really enjoy her lessons, we practiced speaking, listening, grammar and writing. She always tries to make the classes different in order to learn something new and don't get bored and after the lesson she will send me a review with some notes about the lesson (some mistakes that I did, new ways to say something and more). I can notice that I had improved my skills (especially my writing skills) sice I started studying with her. I would like to encourage other foreigners that are willing to learn or improve their English to sign up in Emma!


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